Brief Encounter | Brighton Open Air Theatre | Review

Brief Encounter Brighton Open Air Theatre Thursday 4th July 2024 Given that Noel Coward’s classic is an “up-close and personal” experience on film – this production may appear an unlikely choice for an open-air presentation – but within seconds it Read More …

Blue Beard | Battersea Arts Centre, London | Review

Blue Beard Battersea Arts Centre Bluebeard is a French folktale which tells the story of a wealthy man in the habit of murdering his wives and the attempts of the present one to avoid the fate of her predecessors. The Read More …

Wuthering Heights | Tour | Review

Wuthering HeightsTheatre Royal, Brighton Tuesday 17th May 2022 As a massive fan of David Bowie, even I will agree that occasionally his dazzling career went off track and there are one or two albums that leave me cold – that Read More …

Rebecca | Kneehigh Theatre | Review.

Daphne Du Maurier’s book Rebecca is one of the most well known of English classics. Written nearly 80 years ago it is still a bestseller having never gone out of print and was the subject of an iconic movie directed Read More …