Theatre South East supports Relaxed Performances.
Relaxed performances are specially adapted performances for adults and children who have autism, learning difficulties or sensory communication disorders and are thankfully becoming more regular in local and West End Theatres.
Although adjustments vary from theatre to theatre and on the production, they may include:
A more welcoming foyer with quiet or activity areas.
The show may go ahead with the house lights in the auditorium dimmed or on.
There may be no loud or sudden noises in the production.
There may be no strobe or special lighting effects.
Any music will be played quieter.
There will be a more informal atmosphere in the auditorium, where audiences may be free to move around and noises from the audiences will be tolerated.
Theatre staff often have special training to help at these performances.
Check with the theatre first and they will tell you what to expect.
Relaxed Performances in London and the South East.

Back to the Future
Adelphi Theatre, London
Sunday 10th March at 3pm
More Details