United Queendom | Kensington Palace | Review

United QueendomKensington PalaceMonday 3 March 2020 A Royally Entertaining Evening If These Women Could Speak To Us Now, What Would They Say? History is, of course, written by narrators of a different time, people with a different set of beliefs Read More …

Admissions | Trafalgar Studios | Review

AdmissionsTrafalgar StudiosTickets Here Admissions | Review Does personal ambition supersede progressive values? Is equality worth self-sacrifice? These are just some of the enormously political questions that Joshua Harmon’s ‘Admissions’ grapples with. This new London production of Harmon’s 2018 satire, starring Read More …

The Trench | Southwark Playhouse | Review

The Trench Southwark Playhouse Les Enfants Terribles until 17th November 2018   ★★★★★ “An Explosive Blend of Storytelling” The Trench by Les Enfants Terribles 100 years ago the world raged with an unimaginable conflict, which to some people today may Read More …

Goodnight Mr Tom | Southwark Playhouse | Review

Goodnight Mr Tom Southwark Playhouse 25th July – 25 August 2018 Goodnight Mr Tom   I’m quite the grump. Amongst my friends, I’m regularly considered to be the moody one, or the one with the sarcastic comment, the ice queen Read More …

Daisy Pulls it Off | Charing Cross Theatre | Review

Daisy Pulls it off

Daisy Pulls it Off Charing Cross Theatre 19th June – 30th June   Daisy pulls it off | Review   I have never been to the Charing Cross Theatre before, but my what a lovely little theatre it is – Read More …