Breakfast at Tiffany’s is playing at the Theatre Royal Haymarket until 17th September
Photos by : Sean Ebsworth Barnes
Further details
Melanie La Barrie as Mme Spanella
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Sevan Stephan as OJ Berman
Matt Barber as Fred/Paul
Tim Frances as Rusty Trawler and Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
The Cast of Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Charlie De Melo, Matt Barber and Pixie Lott
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Victor McGuire as Joe Bell and Matt Barber as Fred/Paul
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly
Pixie Lott as Holly Golightly a/Paulnd Matt Barber as Fred
Victor McGuire as Joe Bell in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.