Why Am I So Single? | Garrick Theatre | Review

Why Am I So Single?

Garrick Theatre, London

After just over SIX years since the world premiere of their first hit musical at the Edinburgh Fringe, comes Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss’ highly anticipated new production ‘Why Am I So Single?’, premiering at the Garrick Theatre in London.

When considering its predecessor, if anything is to be expected of this new musical, starring Jo Foster and SIX’s own Leesa Tulley, it is clever humour and innovative storytelling, so we were enthralled to see what the pair had in store.

The plot revolves around two, single friends battling against modern dating – a topic which is becoming increasingly relatable to people in their mid-twenties. It navigates modern dating with wit and honesty, providing by laughter and moments of introspection.

The story did not start and finish with romantic relationships, though, with themes about self-discovery and societal expectations also shaping the narrative.

“The friendship duo is usually the B line in a lot of TV shows and films, so it’s so lovely to have it showcased in its own fancy musical. It’s like a love letter to all my besties,” said Jo Foster in an interview with Lost in Theatreland. Foster plays Oliver in Why Am I So Single? 

We feel that this sums the musical up pretty well. Through the wider theme of romantic relationships, Why Am I So Single? sees Marlow and Moss dissect topics about gender, sexuality and grief. They concluded that these issues were solved with friendship.

Whilst the topics were heavy, the issues addressed were lightened by humour, as well as fun pop songs.

Perhaps the two most impactful songs, were Disco Ball and Lost.

Disco Ball saw Oliver open up about their sexuality and how it has impacted their life. Since a young age Oliver had covered up their emotions through laughter and humour, following years of self discovery and difficult conversations about their gender and sexuality. This, whilst surrounded by humour, glamour, and glitter, was a poignant moment in the musical, and that is aside from their dazzling vocals and stage presence. 

Meanwhile, Lost was an emotional ballad sang by Nancy, Leesa Tulley’s character. The song saw Nancy open up about the death of her father and how it has affected relationships throughout her life.

Whilst the narrative is relatable, there did seem to be some flaws to the story, however. We felt that some narratives in the play were slightly predictable, with some reliance on dating cliches and familiar tropes. In a way, this made the play familiar and relatable, but it did limit originality to some degree.

Despite these flaws, Why Am I So Single? is a refreshing take on the age-old question of love and companionship, with focus away from heteronormative relationships. 


Reviewers: Asalie Balasuriya & Sophie Rose