Urinetown | News and Views

News about one of my favourites of this year – URINETOWN



Jenna Russell
Jenna Russell

I was THRILLED when I heard that Urinetown was going to get it’s West End transfer, it was the first musical I had put on this blog and I was enthralled by it. Having had a successful three month run at the St. James’ Theatre at the beginning of the year, speculation about a Wend End transfer was ripe. At one point it was all over twitter that it was going to the Apollo in September but producers refused to confirm. Glad to hear that it has been confirmed now and that ‘many’ of the cast members will return including Jenna Russell (Miss Pennywise) and Jonathan Slinger (Officer Lockstock). We are waiting for the final casting announcements but unfortunately it has been confirmed by Richard Fleeshman that he will not be returning,  a shame, hugely talented and gorgeous!


Written by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis and directed by Jamie Lloyd, Urinetown is a remarkably funny, dark, thought provoking piece about a town where you have to pay to use the toilets – yes, I know, but it works.

You can read my original piece on Urinetown Here

I will look forward to hopefully seeing it again, I do wonder whether it will work in a larger theatre,  the intimacy of the St James’s theatre lent itself beautifully to the piece. They have ‘glitzed’ the posters as well to appeal to a wider audience – not sure about that either, they look like they have been Glinda-fied. But I am waiting to be proved wrong. I LOVED URINETOWN! 

Hopefully we may get a London Cast Recording now, that would be marvellous!

Urinetown opens at the Apollo Theatre from Monday 29th September 2014. The production is currently booking to Saturday 24th January 2015.

Urinetown St. James' Theatre
Urinetown Original Poster




Urinetown 2

So have you seen Urinetown? What did you think? Do you agree with me or not? I’d like to hear.





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