South Pacific | The Hawth Crawley|Helen Fallowell | Interview

South PacificSouth Pacific final flyer1 (1)_0

The Hawth Crawley – Crawley Operatic Society

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 to Saturday, October 18, 2014

I spoke to Helen Fallowell who is playing the female lead Nellie Forbush

Are you local to Crawley?

I am in East Grinstead! I used to dance at Redhurst Schools of Dancing, and have been in quite a few local amateur dramatics groups, East Grinstead Operatic Society, ACE and The Company of Friends but now am in Crawley Operatic Society. I recently choreographed the flashmob in East Grinstead Town Centre organised by the East Grinstead Project.

What can you tell me about South Pacific?

cos logo - CopyIt is a big production. It is directed by John Harries-Rees and there are 45 members in the cast and on top of that a wonderful production team.

It is a love story about two different couples. John has directed the piece so that it is more true to life. It still has all the fun elements and the songs in it, but shows some of the realism behind the writing, so it takes the audience through many emotions.

What is the hardest part of rehearsing South Pacific?

This is my first lead role so for me it is portraying all the different emotions, I start with being all happy, finding new love then confusion, prejudice and then loss – it is a whirl of emotions, it is hard to fit it all into two hours.

Overall I think the hardest thing for the rehearsal period is that it is sometimes hard to get everyone to the same rehearsal. As we are an amateur socieity, everybody works, has commitments at home etc.

But as we are getting so close to performance week it is great to feel the buzz and everyone is there and dedicated, all performers are putting their heart and soul into it.

Crawley Operatic Society sounds a huge company, can you tell me more about it.

We are based in Broadfield and also have a rehearsal hut in Tilgate. We rehearse on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays depending on which show we are doing.

We perform two main shows a year at the Hawth in Crawley. It depends on the style of show whether we hire the Studio or the main theatre.

For the last 4 or 5 years we have also produced a very successful pantomime in January. which is very traditional and interactive which everyone seems to really enjoy.

South Pacific is a very traditional musical, is it typical of the shows you put on?

Not at all, we do a wide variety of shows. Next year we have Pirates of Penzance in May and Hairspray in October planned. So we tend to appeal to all ages.

If someone wanted to join, how would they go about it?

There is a contact form on our company website

Anyone is welcome. The only thing you need to audition for are lead roles, anyone can be in the chorus or be involved backstage, with costume, makeup, music etc. We are happy to help the community and young people learn new experiences and build up and take a more active role in the society.

For example, I started off doing choreography for a dance in the pantomime when I first joined and built up to choreograph Annie, one of our main shows last year. So come along and join us.

South Pacific is at the Hawth Tickets are priced at £17 (£16 cons, £13 children)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 to Saturday, October 18, 2014

Crawley Operatic Society Twitter Feed

Ticket line: 07583 534628





South Pacific is one of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s well loved musicals; set in an island paradise during World War II. Two parallel love stories are threatened by the dangers of prejudice and war.

Nellie, a spunky nurse from Arkansas, falls in love with a mature French planter, Emile. Meanwhile, the strapping Lt. Joe also falls in love with an innocent Tonkinese girl; Liat daughter of Bloody Mary.

When Emile is recruited to accompany Joe on a dangerous mission, Nellie realises that life is too short not to seize her own chance for happiness, thus confronting and conquering her prejudices.

Come and enjoy fabulous songs such as ‘Wash That Man’, ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ and ‘Younger than Springtime’ in another spectacular COS Musical Theatre production.

Director – John Harries-Rees
Musical Director – Brian Steel
Choreographer – Beth Bryant
Music by :Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II
Emile de Becque – Mike Mackenzie
Nellie Forbush – Helen Fallowell
Bloody Mary – Kathy Stokes
Lt Cable – Kevin Wort
Liat – Louisa Tuck
Luther Billis – David Johnson
Captain Brackett – Peter Howell
Commander Harbison – Colin Barnes
Stew Pot – Glen Cowlard
Ngana – Anna Hartley
Jerome – Jospeh Foxcroft
Henry – Colin Francis


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